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Re: [ESD-translators] Localizing screenshots

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [ESD-translators] Localizing screenshots
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2021 19:58:01 +0200

El 13/8/21 a las 19:36, Thérèse Godefroy escribió:
> Hello Victor,
> Le 13/08/2021 à 19:24, victorhck via a écrit :
> [...]
>> Hello!
>> I always though that maybe could be useful to enlarge the screenshots,
>> at least those useful for the guide...
>> Don't konw if that it's useful/possible...
> Yes, some images are a little too small when the page is divided up in
> columns, but they can be displayed at their original size on a different
> page via the contextual menu.

Yes I know, but people it's lazy (at least I am! :) ) and maybe keep the
things easy and simple would help... just my opinion!


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