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Re: [ESD-translators] Introduction

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [ESD-translators] Introduction
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 00:47:33 +0100

El 14/03/18 a las 20:20, Karina Saucedo escribió:
> Hello, my name is Karina and I'm a Cyber Security student from Mexico.
> I've been doing some reading on the Spanish version of the guide and I came
> across with some mistakes so I think there is room for improvement.
> I would like to know how can I start contributing to the Spanish version of
> the guide.
> Thank you.

Hello Karina!

Thanks for your proofreading, will be great to improve o fix the spanish
I made last translations in the spanish version.

The code and translation is in a git repository.
Just check out this link:

You can improve by your own, or if you want I can do it if you share
where did you find the mistakes.


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