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Re: [ESD-translators] typo in step 5b?

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [ESD-translators] typo in step 5b?
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 15:57:01 +0200

El 25/10/17 a las 13:14, Thérèse Godefroy escribió:
> Hello everyone,
> Le 25/10/2017 00:29, victorhck a écrit :
> [...]
>>> Thanks for the patch! I think you should apply it. Then I will
>>> update the POs, just in case... but it seems that nobody is
>>> interested in ESD anymore. :(
>>> Best, Thérèse
>> Hello! I'll try to fix that in the spanish translation. Thanks for
>> the improvement! ESD it's a great resource to learn about it, and
>> still there's people caring about it! :)
>> Happy hacking.
> Thanks, Victor, for your support.
> The POs have been merged with the English originals. Here is the
> updated list of languages for which PO files are available in the git
> repo:
> ar cs de el es fa it ja ko ml pt-br ro sq zh-hans
> Best,
> Thérèse

fixed for spanish translation, and commited.
I made the changes in the html files, as I did usually.
Should I use the po file or it's Ok in the way I did it?

Thanks a lot!

Happy hacking

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