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Re: [ESD-translators] Old Git branches have been removed

From: victorhck
Subject: Re: [ESD-translators] Old Git branches have been removed
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 17:49:18 +0200

El 25/9/20 a las 10:40, Thérèse Godefroy escribió:
> Hello all,
> Zoe informed me that Andrew Engelbrecht removed old useless branches
> from the enc repo. He also deleted the 'master' branch from enc-live,
> and only left the 'live' branch. These 2 branches were causing
> confusion, as enc-live#master could easily be mistaken for enc#master.
> Now we are left with:
> * enc #master
> * env-live #live
> Andrew explains how to clean up your own repo(s):
>> I've deleted the requested branches from enc.git and enc-live.git. To apply 
>> the changes to your local repos, run:
>> git remote prune origin
>> You'll need to edit .git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD in enc-live and change 
>> 'master' to 'live'.
>> If you have other local branches in your local repos, you can delete them 
>> with:
>> git branch -a
>> git branch -d old-branch
> Thanks to Andrew and Zoe. The repos look much cleaner!
> Best,
> Thérèse
> _______________________________________________
> ESD-translators mailing list

Thanks for the work done! and the tips!!

It's not necessary to push the commits?


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